Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Decisions, decisions

It's now quittin' time and I've realized that I forgot the battery to my 10w headlight at home. And the bike I rode in doesn't even have a blinkie on the front. So, do I:

a) Ride home with no light?
b) Take the train most of the way and ride the remaining portion with no light?
c) Ride to The Hub and buy a light?
d) Ride to Hiawatha and buy a light?
e) Call the wife for a ride home?

Tune in to see what I decide!


Snakebite said...

I think option F - stay overnight at work.

Doug said...

I think I would have considered c or d. You can always use another light. Safety first!

Sparky said...

Dude - you forget option G: buy another battery! They've gotta' sell them somewhere downtown. Don't they?

Frostbike said...

They don't sell batteries for this light downtown. I think it might be slightly radioactive...

Frostbike said...

I worked at the SD State Fair (and yes, it's in Huron)! I knew I forgot at least one thing.