Monday, March 26, 2007

What Headwind?

There's a scene in Groundhog Day when Bill Murray is lamenting the fact that he got stuck with a crappy day to repeat over and over. He says, "I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster and drank pina coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. *That* was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over and over and over?" Today was *that* day for this particular (and peculiar) bike commuter. At least as far as bike commuting goes. That whole "making love like sea otters" portion carries a fair amount of weight. But we're talking bikes here.

I got up this morning and checked the forecast, and saw that it was supposed to be in the mid 70's by the afternoon. Yippee! I dressed in a short sleeve jersey (for the ride home), with a long sleeved shirt over the top and my bike vest over that. And then I made the executive decision to wear shorts. Mainly because I couldn't find my tights, but still. I got out there and it was the perfect level of clothing. I love it when I nail the clothes for the conditions right on the head. When I got to work, there was an extremely attractive young woman in the entryway who handed me a plastic bag containing a bottle of Dasani, a Powerbar, a carabiner with a compass attached, and a big pad of post-it notes. It wasn't because I rode in, but rather some big promo at work. But I'm not going to sneeze at a free bottle of water and a Powerbar after biking 12 miles.

This afternoon, the weather was just so perfect I didn't really need anything else to go right. We ended up topping out at 81 degrees, shattering the previous record. And, the Minneapolis Parks folks reinstalled the handle on my favorite pump by the parkway. The perfect capper.

Date: March 24
Mileage: 27
Ride type/Bike: Hiawatha/Schwinn
March mileage: 239
Year to date mileage: 840

Date: March 26
Mileage: 26
Ride type/Bike: Commute/Schwinn
March mileage: 265
Year to date mileage: 866


Lunatic Biker said...

You don't actually drink that shit out of that pump, do you? And about your goodie bag that I payed for...YOU'RE WELCOME.


Apertome said...

It's great when everything just goes right. Last weekend was like that here, it was supposed to rain all weekend, but instead, it was bright and sunny the whole time.