Quick update:
I went and saw The Hand Guy this morning. Quick in, quick out, no real resolution. He looked at the x-rays and feels the bone is definitely broken. He was non-committal about it, but I got the feeling he felt the break was more severe than the previous doctor had. Options, they are three:
1. Do nothing. Advantages: free, easy. Disadvantages: Potential for decreased mobility of joint, strong possibility of severe arthritis in 10-15 years.
2. Cast, for up to 12 more weeks. Advantages: Cheap, not too invasive. Disadvantages: 12 freaking weeks in a cast? Kill me now. Oh, and it may not actually accomplish anything.
3. Surgery. Advantages: Probably the best prognosis for full recovery. Disadvantages: Well, it's surgery. Never a fun or risk free proposition.
He sent me away with orders to get a CT scan and chew on my options. I managed to get the CT scan taken care of this afternoon. I scheduled a follow up with The Hand Guy for Thursday the 26th. Once we can look at some higher resolution images of the break, we'll choose a plan and run with it.