Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog up

This past Friday, a few local bike types responded to a call put out by Mr. SnakShak to have a beer or three at the end of a long work week. The timing turned out perfect as the two weeks prior were cold and rainy, but Friday was partly sunny and the temps cracked into the 70s. Beers were drank, tales were told, laughs were laughed. I'm glad I went, and if the call goes out and schedules allow, I'll do it again. And next time I'll try to post something here in advance to get the word out to more like minded folk.

Laughs were indeed laughed.

Brother Yam and Jim K. ponder the imponderable.

Kay and Joe enjoy the first sun we've seen in weeks.

A beer/bike tableau.

I think his hair really is getting fuller and thicker.

Despite Joe and Molly's valiant attempt, Brother Yam and I won the "Cutest Couple" award. But it was a close contest.

Yam influencing the judges.


WheelDancer said...

If I'd a knowed, I'd a showed. I'll be keeping an eye out for the next one!

rigtenzin said...

Let's have a beer this weekend at the Lake Pepin Tour.