Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Local Point of Interest

There are things I see every day on my commute that I take for granted. Things I like, but I've seen them so many times that I almost ignore them. I'm going to try to start noticing them again.

First example.

This house is on Minnehaha Ave in Minneapolis. I ride by it most every day. I really like the way the roof is set up. It's sort of a double gambrel arrangement that I find to be very pleasing. There are 4 or 5 houses along Minnehaha with the exact same structure, but this one is the nicest looking in my opinion. I like the combination of the red shingles on the upper portion, the yellow siding on the lower portion and the white pillars. If I remember correctly this is the only one with pillars. Somebody cares about this house, and takes care of it. Which it deserves. I'm very curious about the floor plan inside, but I'm not the type to just go knocking on a strangers door to ask questions. This house is around the 3800 block of Minnehaha on the east side of the road. Take a gander if you're in the area.

Date: February 11
Mileage: 18
Ride type/Bike: Commute/Triumph
February mileage: 83
Year to date mileage: 392

Date: February 12
Mileage: 18
Ride type/Bike: Commute/Triumph
February mileage: 101
Year to date mileage: 410

Date: February 13
Mileage: 18
Ride type/Bike: Commute/Triumph
February mileage: 119
Year to date mileage: 428

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