Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Shred the SKyway update

The Red Bull ride the skyway thingie made it into the St. Paul paper on Sunday. The article is still available on-line but you can't get the snappy map of the course on the website. If you've still got your Sunday paper and access to a scanner, you could do the world a favor and scan the thing. If you're like me, and the paper's recycled (he still gets an actual paper? how quaint!) and you don't have a scanner, you e-mail the guy who wrote the article (Richard Chin) to see if he'll e-mail you a jpeg of the map or something. He wouldn't, but he did e-mail me the course description. Here it is, in Richard's words:

"start at Galtier Plaza, head west to the Northwest Center. Head south to Lifetime Fitness. Head west again towards the Pioneer Press, down the stairs to the tunnel after Landmark Towers and head northwest underground toward the Xcel Engergy Center."

Again, that's Feb. 8 from 7-10 pm. Or thereabouts.

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