Thursday, January 19, 2006

And I looked and I saw that it was good

Date: January 18
Mileage: 18
Ride type: Commute
January mileage: 142
Year to date mileage:142

Praise god and pass the ammunition. Somebody finally plowed the Highway 55 bridge bikepath for the first time this year. Yesterday morning I churned my way through and broke a sweat doing so. I was prepared to do it again last night, but no. When I left the street in Fort Snelling and started riding toward the bridge I steeled myself for the upcoming effort. But, as I turned the corner I noticed tire tracks on either side of the trail, and a noticeable absence of ruts. A plow! I knew the bike portion of the bridge was too narrow to get a truck with a conventional plow through, so I figured I would still need to slog across the snowy bridge. But it looks like somebody took an actual snowblower and made a couple of passes across. It's not down to the pavement, but it's still gorgeous. I need to figure out which municipality did this so I can extend the appropriate kudos. I'm thinking it's Mendota, but I'm not sure.


Tuffy said...

Are you talking about the Mendota Bridge when you say "Hwy 55 bridge"? If so, the most likely plowing culprit is the state, since Highway 55 is a state highway.

Frostbike said...

I am talking about the Mendota Bridge. I was initially thinking the state too, but the mystery plower/snowblower also hit the trail on either end which isn't really state jurisdiction. And I'm not sure that the path, being separated by a concrete wall from the highway, falls under the state's realm.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Does Mendota Heights have a parks & rec dept? Maybe they did it?